Keyword Type Keyword KW Difficulty Search Volume Number in Headings Number in Body Copy
Focus Keyword menopause fatigue 21 3300 3 17
Secondary Keyword menopause and fatigue 28 3300 1 2
Secondary Keyword what does menopause fatigue feel like 16 380 1 2
Secondary Keyword menopause tiredness 26 3300 1 7
Secondary Keyword does menopause make you tired 26 1000 2 2
Secondary Keyword perimenopause fatigue 18 2700 0 4

Menopause Fatigue - How To Boost Energy Levels

Ah, menopause fatigue - the pride and joy of any menopausal woman. (Can you sense the sarcasm here?)

Menopause fatigue is one of the most draining symptoms of menopause because it makes you so tired. Menopause tiredness can lead to poor mental health, increasing the severity and frequency of your other menopause symptoms and cause huge interruptions to daily life.

So, with that in mind, this article will deep-dive into menopause fatigue, answering all of the main questions like does menopause make you tired, what does menopause fatigue feel like and, most importantly, what can you do to fight against the fatigue.

Does menopause make you tired?

Yes, menopause does make you tired.

But it’s not just about menopause tiredness. Menopause fatigue is a different ball game.

It’s normal for everybody to feel tired at times. From general stress to feeling overworked and burnt out, there are a whole range of factors that can cause every day tiredness.

That said, when it comes to menopause fatigue, it’s more like an unrelenting exhaustion that lasts a whole lot longer than normal. Plus, this exhaustion is far more intense and can’t be cured with rest.

So, the next time someone asks you does menopause make you tired, you can look them in the eye and say “no. It makes you completely fatigued.”

Why does menopause make you tired?

Menopause fatigue often beings in perimenopause - more aptly referred to as perimenopause fatigue - and it’s often because of fluctuating hormone levels.

When your hormone levels are out of whack and imbalanced, they can send alarms to the brain to wake up in the middle of the night and thereon.